Saturday, June 13, 2009

Male Intruder - Ghost in My Bed

My boyfriend thinks this one is a bit weird but it did happen to me so here goes ...

One of the most embarrassing things that ever happened to me was when I was visiting my mum and dad's house years after I left home. At that time I was in my mid to late twenties and single.

That particular night I slept in the box room on a single bed and when I woke in the morning - facing the wall - I felt a large figure in bed with me, behind me in a classic 'spoons' position. It, whatever 'it' was, was awake and touching my body.

I wasn't asleep and I wasn't in one of those semi paralyzed dream states; this was a real sensation and although I felt sort of 'violated' - and of course frightened - I was tired enough to allow myself to drop back off to sleep.

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