Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Bean Bag Trouble - Poltergeists

I just remembered something that happened last week ...

My three year old was watching TV in the living room. He was sitting on one of two beanbags, the second being some distance away.

At lunchtime I called him through to the kitchen. We sat together whilst he ate after which he went back into the lounge.

Moments later he called for me. When I arrived in the living room I saw the second bean bag neatly plonked on top of the first and Brody was asking a) why it was there and b) if he could move it.

Incredulous I asked him to promise me he hadn't put the bean bag there. His confused little face, however, said it all ...

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Christmas Guest in Westbere

My family and I moved into a 17th century cottage in April 2015. I had been a little anxious about potential activity but so far so good. We've had a few small experiences, but nothing I'm particularly worried about.

The first incident was during the night when I got up to go to the loo. As I went through the doorway into the porch (where another door leads off to the lavatory) a black shadow rushed past me at speed. I got the feeling it was a residual thing.

The main activity is a sort of voice phenomena. If I am in the kitchen and my two young sons (3 and 6) are in the living (two rooms away) I will hear one of them shout 'mum' but on investigation they haven't called for me. Likewise they will sometimes run into the kitchen and ask why I called for them. One time, we were ALL in the lounge and I heard my oldest son shouting 'mum' from the kitchen yet he was sitting right in front of me on the living room floor.

The most exciting and dramatic experience occurred on Christmas morning 2015. I was watching the boys in their bedroom (via the video monitor) opening their Christmas stockings which I'd placed at the ends of their beds. Using the monitor I called for them to come downstairs (my own bedroom is on the ground floor) and as they jumped out of their beds and raced downstairs, a small white childlike figure appeared between the monitor and their bed. I stared at the image for several seconds, trying to work out what I was seeing, and then the figure vanished. The figure had no details. It was like an overexposed photo, except I could see the room around it.

Giant Ghostly Orb in Final House Photo

My mum and dad recently put our old family home on the market. After clearing all the furniture out I suggested to my sister that we take some photos of the 'spooky room' where most of the ghostly activity had taken place over the years. I was hoping we would capture an orb, like the one my dad and I had seen on the baby monitor a few years prior. However, nothing unusual showed up on our photos. A week or so later, the Estate Agents came and took their own professional photos which were uploaded to their website. Lo and behold, the ONLY anomaly on any of their photos (around 12 in total) was not only in the spooky room but in the very same corner that my dad and I had seen the orb in Brody's cot.